torsdag 17 mars 2016

Old MacDonald had a farm E I E I O

We have been one full week on the farm now and have a couple of more weeks to go and I thought it could be worth giving an update!

In all honesty Erik and I suffered from a big cultural shock the first couple of days. From glamorous (ehh) camping life to a very different farmer life. But we have adjusted more and more and suddenly picking up different type of animal diarreah poo feels like a piece of cake! ;) The owners of the farm are very friendly and we are woofing together with a german guy (who is a typical handy-man, which is very good since Erik and I are the total opposite). We are working every day, but three times a week only from 8.15-11.15 and the other days to 16.15. A typical day can look like following:

  • Up at 7.30. Damn we sleep good here. Completely exhausted, even on our shorter days since we usually bike in to the city which is a total of 8 km). Feeding time at 8.15. Our least favourite are the pigs, freakin' huge and super annoying and they eat garbage. Seriously if I would slip and fall on to the ground I think they would eat me up in 10  minutes. The rest of the animals are supercute and excited for food, and they have all such different personalities. There are 13 lamas here and feeding them is a challange...they are bigger than me and I am fighting for my life while giving them food (kind of). They havn't spitted on us yet and they are actually quite cute...especially from a distance. But the owners do a lot of lama trekking for tourists here and it would be interesting to join once.
  • Change and fill up their water. Since there is over 100 animals on the farm this takes a least feeding is more fun since they actually get excited to see you (the food). They couldn't give a rats arse about the water. Except the ducks. The ducks love water time.
  • Poop time! Best time of the day, of course. Haha. Erik is seriously thinking about breaking up with me and run far, far away every time its poop cleaning time ;) But we are starting to get pro's! You can call us "The Poop Pro's" from now on hahaha (please don't).
  • Preparing the food for afternoon/ next day. Ever wondered what a lama/wallaby/sheep/a bambi eats? Well think no more, now you can just ask us in the future! haha
  • After lunch time its' time to do different projects if you work the full day....Erik is for example the gardener  here and I am painting a door...only been here a week and the door is still not finished but that's a different story...
  • 15.15 feeding time and water time again. Done!
My dad think this sounds like hell on earth, haha, but I enjoy it more and more! It is not as hard work as it sounds like and we can often bike in to civilasation after work for some drinks and to see people instead of animals. I am getting more and more attached to these animals though..especially a particular three-legged border collie dog who is just the cutest thing on earth...

Both Erik and I (especially Erik) are very much city-folks. Haha. We like things clean...and luxuries (okay especially I am very comfortable...I like the good life,yupp). But we are learning a lot from this experience, and I promise I am not forcing Erik at all to be here, even if some people might think so... ;) 

We have booked our ticket from Christchurch back to Auckland 23rd of April, and then we have about 10 more days left on the north island before we fly of to Sydney!

Tonight we are off into town to partyyyy. It is St. Paddys day today of course. Luckily Kaikoura is an extremely touristic town so there is a nice international crowd here!

These are the murderpigs I mentioned...this guy looks like a grumpy old man and snores louder than my dad during most of the day

Me and Erik are either considering to become "pigvegetarians" in the future OR enjoying eating bacon even more after this...we havn't decided yet... ;)

Okey so PLEASE ignore my horrible hair/outfit, I know I look like a run-down Britney Spears here on the farm but is not all about the looks right (eeh yes it is!). Erik has completely forbidden me to EVER post any pictures of him in his farm-uniform so I gotta respect that...haha. Charlie the Wallaby is such a character...a very gently girl.

A common view here

I saved three baby chickens that was 1 day old when I found them! They were bullied by a goose...however now only two remains :(...nature has her way...

Erik and Jess the-three-legged-dog, a love story...

This farm is known for their popular, odd accomodations we help out to clean sometimes...they are on tripadvisor "Wacky stays".

Bambi came here when she was only 2 days she is 7 years. She thinks she is a pony but love to get a good scratch like a dog....(once again, ignore my britney-hair)

Very relaxing here...especially with a glass of wine in your hand

Kaikoura beach....then I have many more pictures of me in different resturants in the city eating and drinking, however that will be too many "selfies-with-a-glass-of-wine"-pictures...

3 kommentarer:

  1. Härliga bilder och så himla kul det du skriver:):) vilket äventyr!! Och att ni dessutom vågar er på att jobba på farmen, plus i kanten för det!!
    Att jobba med grisarna måste vara ett trauma, fy fasiken säjer jag bara;(;(
    Ni är bäst! Kram

  2. Tjena poop pro!! 😉 Vilken härlig resa ni gör! Kul att få lära känna nationella djur, även om vissa grejer låter så äckligt. Men när man är inne i det är det bara att göra det. Och det här kommer ni alltid att minnas 😊 Din blogg är så rolig att läsa, jag skrattar högt här hemma. Hälsa Erik 😘

  3. Looks like such an adventure Sanna - enjoy it!! :)
