torsdag 25 februari 2016

Abal Tasman National Park

I have really lost the sense of time a little bit, but I think it was Monday we arrived at Abal Tasman National park on the northern tip of the South Island. It is Thursday today, right…? ;)

Many people, including both foreigners such as us and Kiwis, comes there for “the Great Walk”. It is NZ most famous hike trail where you walk for 3-4 days and sleeping in huts along the way. Erik and I did this! Kind of! We did the deluxed version where we walked for 1 hour, got to an amazing beach and then walked back to the camping spot. Haha. We never said we were hikers! Comfort is rather the way of life ;)

I do not wish to go on repeat but damn it was the prettiest one hour of walk I ever had. Until today when we walked to Franz Josef Glacier. It is really gorgeous there. It is easier to get it on film rather than photos, however since wifi in this country completely sucks I am not able to post any short movies.

It is still easy to meet people (especially in bars, for strange reasons), however it is not really possible to get deeper connections with people since everyone is on the move the whole time of course.

A lot of jungle in New Zealand. That is something I actually did not except...not that we planned or knew anything at all before going onto the plane...

So after walking for a bit we stumbled on to this very pretty, quite beach.

We drove by "Pancake rocks" on our way to the south. Pretty cool. Too boring to explain though... Google it.

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